Why I Started This Blog

I'm taking part in Rosetta Thurman's 31 Days to a Brand New Blog challenge. Being that I recently decided that I wanted to start a new blog, there couldn't be a more perfect time to get it off the ground. This post is Day 2's assignment: Write a Purpose Statement for Your Blog.

I first started blogging in 2007 out of boredom and a desire to procrastinate from my studies when I was abroad. I had started a travel blog for my family to follow my adventures but I soon realized that I had lots of other random ideas and topics that I wanted to talk about. And just as my personal blog came about, this one too has been created out of a desire to share new thoughts and perspectives with the world that don't quite fit the theme of my other site.

I follow and read many different blogs, but my faves are non-profit and career related blogs written by Gen Y-ers. I love reading about what millennials are doing and hearing their advice and perspectives. However, lately I’ve started feeling like there is a perspective missing – that of a do-gooder with one foot in Corporate America and one in the non-profit sector.

I studied business in college and while being very aware of opportunities in the non-profit sector I decided to pursue an entry-level position elsewhere. Though I’m still lost about what I want my career path to look like and I’m open to entering the non-profit sector in the future, I don’t think I could’ve made a better decision about how to spend the first few years of my career after college. I aim to share the perspective of a young professional striking a balance between her work in the for-profit world and her work in the local community.

I have several goals for myself with this blog. The first and most important is to further develop my writing skills and my ability to form and articulate my opinions. I look forward to the challenge of keeping myself committed to writing regularly as well as sharing insights and lessons learned along the way. Lastly, as I’ve become a staunch believer in the power of branding through blogging, I hope to develop my personal brand along the way.

This should be an interesting ride - one that I hope you enjoy.

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